Friday, May 2, 2014

Easter Sunday!

I am so sad I missed this Easter Sunday but the girls and Evan had a great day, even had a chance to stop by the hospital to see me for awhile. Eva says "mom, are you having a baby today" So apparently she thinks I have a baby every time I go to work! Kids say the cutest stuff! They had a wonderful Easter, we hope everyone did!
The girls took daddy to church!

They ate at restaurant called Ella, made the day so much more exciting for them.

                                                   HAPPY EASTER FROM THE LINDAHLS


Best friends at the park!

Took Griffey for a ride, his favorite thing!
  The start of the birthday celebration! Claire in the middle is Ella's best friend who turned 6 last August. Eva is even taller than her!
The girls watching a movie!


They finally past out around midnight, and they woke up bright and early the next morning at 7am...RIDICULOUS!

The fun on Saturday's; Ella's bday was the Pet Expo, every kind of animal; all kinds of fun!

The girls were ready to go have some pet fun! We bought the girls frozen shirt with their names on them :o)

Ella's favorite breakfast; donuts!

 We sang right away in the morning....with coffee :o)

Holding a Ferrett like a baby!

Look at that sexy Llama.

Our for Lunch at O'Charlies!

The whole gang came over for dinner and cake that evening!

Ella wearing her PJ's and holding her Pumpkin from G&G Lindahl.

Ella holding her basket of cake pops for her class.

They were cupcake cake pops!

Griffin on a walk, yes the collar looks painful but works like wonders!

Baseball fun with daddy; mommy at work!

Ella's ready in the field!

And basketball!

Daddy took Ella to their 1st Reds game of the season on Monday after her birthday, it got rained out but they had a fun time; free food and all the games to themselves.

                                                        Ella's testing her arm strength!
The Reds museum
Ella hit about 50 times because she was one of the few.

Another daddy and girls day!
We are doing well, still not spring here...looking forward to some warmer weather. Still working hard enjoying the job a bit more now that I feel a little more comfortable with my skills. It's truly amazing the lives I get too touch. I am doing something right because I got a great compliment from a patient and her family, they let my director know just how wonderful I made their experience bringing their 1st baby into the world. So fulfilling!
The girls are ready for school to be over and the summer to begin. One of my old clients sister who is graduating high school will be watching them over the summer and hopefully the fall when she has a few free days during her busy college schedule. We will see! We are still house searching unsure of what to do! Big decisions!
Evan got chosen for jury duty every Thursday for 1 yr and will soon begin working from home 2 days a week so his life is good. :o)
We are healthy and doing wonderful...the girls are growing way too fast ;o(

Monday, April 21, 2014

Happy Easter

  Easter fun! Breakfast with the bunny, story, and an egg hunt at the church on Saturday. I had to work on Sunday :o(
The girls with their best friends today at the park...loving the warm weather.

We took Griffin today for a ride, he loves car rides, stopped by the pet store for some treats.

Our little ball player!
Aunty Becky and Uncle David has been helping a lot with the girls, the girls went to visit them over spring break and Aunty Becky had tons of dress up clothes. :o)

They did a lot of hiking and it was even cold in Tennessee.

lots of games!

                  Skyping with great grandma Doris and great grandpa Bill, Had to strut their stuff!
Aunty and Uncle had a sucker fairy and every night she left suckers for them in the container by Uncle Davids chair.

                        Uncle Grant came to visit before Grant and Evan left for Arizona.
Uncle David is teaching the girls how to fix and measure.

Ella and Eva found worms

 Eva is fixing the sink.

The biggest Reds fans on Opening day

Probably the biggest worm ever!

 The girls and their best friends eating ice cream! yay for summer.

The girls with the biggest choc. bunnies from Great grandma Doris and Great grandpa for Easter...Thanks!

                      The girls got their hair cut in a big girl shop, Eva loved the hair wash and got a couple inches off and Ella got her hair thinned hoping to eliminate the tangles.

                                         Ice cream after the hair cuts because they did so awesome!
The girls painted their house and on wrote on the door, "For Sale"
Well I hadn't realized it has been so long since I have updated. I apologize. Many things have happened. The girls had a wonderful spring break at their auntie and uncles in Tennessee. Uncle Grant came to visit which was great and then Aunty and Uncle came up again to visit with Uncle Grant and then stayed with me to help with the girls while Evan and Grant went to Arizona for some baseball training/ Grand Canyon fun. We all had fun! Our landlords have recently informed us that we will have to move or buy this house as they want to sell it. So we have been house hunting again to determine what is best for us right now. Life has been a little stressful lately because I'm still in training and have extra classes each week to get me trained in. I'm just trying to keep up with life, its hard to juggle everything. Ella's birthday is this weekend and we are looking forward to celebrating with her and her best friend. Her first sleepover and a Pet expo here in Columbus. I will try to post soon after with pictures. I hope its warm for everyone! Happy Spring time!